Implementing bookmarks for Fafi Browser
This is a quick sneak peek video on some new features I’m building for Fafi 0.10.
- Preferences
- Bookmarks
Fafi is primarily a gemini browser but it knows a trick or two regarding other protocols and file formats :cat:
The bookmarks system is quite cute. It uses a hash table to hold the bookmarks. The keys are the URLs which are duplicated in the value as well. I set it like that because it makes it easier to update a bookmark than if it was a list and I had to iterate over it to find which record I needed to update.
(define bookmarks-file (build-path data-folder "bookmarks.rktd"))
(define bookmarks (make-parameter (make-hash)))
(serializable-struct bookmark
(define (make-bookmark url [title ""] [subscribe #f] [favourite #f] [last-checksum 0] [tags '()] [notes ""])
(bookmark url title subscribe favourite last-checksum tags notes))
(define (add-bookmark b)
(let ([bs (bookmarks)])
(hash-set! bs (bookmark-url b) b)
(define (save-bookmarks)
(let ([s (serialize (bookmarks))])
(with-output-to-file bookmarks-file
(lambda () (write s))
#:exists 'replace)))
(define (load-bookmarks)
(let ([bs (if (file-exists? bookmarks-file)
(with-input-from-file bookmarks-file
(lambda () (deserialize (read))))
(bookmarks bs)))
That is the full code of the bookmark implementation.
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